Friday, 4 March 2016

Is your Facebook getting BLOCKED for no reason??? The real face of facebook...Let me REVEAL the TRUTH here

1. You Tried To Promote Your ID/Page On FB Free
    BAD NEWS : FB doesnot allow you to promote or grow your Page/ID for free. The moment it detects such activities, it blocks you temporarily and then permanently.
   GOOD NEWS :, lets you PROMOTE your page/id COMPLETELY FREE!!!

2. You added people to your list through suggestions/friends of friends etc

    BAD NEWS : FB will block your account and ask you to identify pics related to those IDS. Funny part is they dont ask you to identify a person according to their profile pic...instead they pick up random pics from their album which even the Profile Owner cannot recognize..Funny

   GOOD NEWS : will not play this game with you as they dont intend to block you till the time you post immoral/ nudity/ or terrorist related activities. And you will be notified via mail to let you know which post reflected in the deletion, with screenshots. We are 100% Transparent.

3. They deny you the access permanently but will not remove your info from database, thus keeping on reflecting your ID/Page on google.

  BAD NEWS: FB doesnot delete your data from their system because they dont want to go down on user counts and their SEO on Google. Plus they dont want to go down on user counts as they SELL THE DATA!!

  GOOD NEWS : is more concerned with your privacy than just user counts and SEO. You have all the rights to delete your account permanently. This you can be sure of because after this you try to pull up your data on Google, you will not be found. Plus your data will not be sold as Uniwebz has different portals for everything.. social networking, professional networking, job search engine, shopping, blog, classifieds, educorner, entertainment, book tickets, chat room...Why would Uniwebz sell your data and to whom? Since everyone gets everything here FREE. You are a part of Uniwebz and Uniwebz would love to be a part of your life too.

4. Are you trying to get more FOLLOWERS?

  BAD NEWS : FB converts the followers to friends the moment you add them as friend, thus resulting in you losing one follower each time you do it and thus making sure you dont get more followers. This is because FB is all about money. You wanna go up in any possible way, be it Promotion, Followers, Likes etc... Then...Please Pay

  GOOD NEWS : gives you a unique feature here. The moment you add a friend, they are on your followers list automatically...The more the friends, more the followers....and thats automatic... PLUS . You get to PROMOTE FREE. Pay For More Likes??? Not on Uniwebz as you are given the ONE UNIQUE Feature...UNLIMITED LIKES...FREE

5. Someone reports you as spam instead of disliking your post.

  BAD NEWS : FB adds you on SPAM list if someone has a problem with your post, instead of disliking the post. Its not you who is harmful but the post at times, but still user does not get the benefit of doubt, instead the long lived account gets blocked...All this is because there is no option to dislike a post, but just to add the user to SPAM. How ridiculous right??lll

 GOOD NEWS : gives you the MOST AWAITED 'DISLIKE' button. Dislike the post instead of adding the user to spam and save others ID from getting Blocked permanently. If there are dislikes from 50 different IDS on one post, only then your ID will get blocked. After which we review your post. If no immoral/ harmful/ nudity/ threat/ terrorism or such activities are not found on the post, then we will unblock it and welcome back our user. Thus making sure no personal rivalries or grudges will cause your account deletion.

6. Asking for government ID proofs to unblock.

 BAD NEWS : FB asks for Government ID proof but still you dont get unblocked. Reason is simple  FB found out that you tried to promote yourself. FB does not want anyone there to do that FREE. So unblocking is out of question. Your growth is hindered here. According to the law, you are solely responsible for sharing your ID proof and no one on earth can tell you where they are using it. People have been charged on their bank accounts without their consent if they have updated their bank information for promotion. ID proof is a support for this. Also sharing ID proof can lead to a lot of activities which you will not be aware of but you will be dragged in and be a part of harassment.

GOOD NEWS : We are not deleting any account for any reason other than immoral/nudity/terrorism/ threat etc. Personal rivalries dont work here.

7. Creating accounts on Company's Name/ Organizations/ Small Business/ Hobby/ Your Pseudo Name

BAD NEWS : FB does not support this as your account will be pulled up on google once you create these IDS. Because it results in free SEO which is a BIG NO on FB as thats their major income source.

GOOD NEWS: allows you to create IDS on Company Name/ Organizations/ Small Business/ Hobby/ Pseudo Name or anything you chose FREE. Your account is your responsibility and Uniwebz value your rights to chose it as long as you dont indulge yourself in activities such as immoral/nudity/terrorism/ threat etc. Thus allowing your ID/Page to pull up on Google the way you want which leads to 100% FREE SEO.

8. Selling Ideas/ Products

BAD NEWS : As mentioned FB is all about money now and you should not sell anything here without paying. Thats one reason you cant create IDS the way you want

GOOD NEWS : gives you a special feature - MERCHANT PANEL. Create your ID, convert yourself as Merchant, get a company page with admin panel, upload your products, sell/buy, get ranked, reviewed plus much more. As a normal user, you start  your account with Turquoise Card then depending upon your activities you go up on Cards. From Turquoise Card to Royal Indigo Card then to Premium Burgundy Card. Looking at your account everyone can identify how good you are in socialising. When you convert your ID to merchant you get your normal user card on timeline thats either Turquoise/Royal Indigo/ Premium Burgundy PLUS A SILVER card to identify your account as a MERCHANT. It helps in your growth. Also if you are a CORPORATE, then you are A GOLD CARD HOLDER. This will reflect a gold card on your account. PLUS when you convert to MERCHANT/CORPORATE ID, your ads will be reflected as scrolls, banners,images etc on the uniwebz portals relevant to your business. Also your ads will be played on the Uniwebz HUB randomly.

9. Professional Networking

BAD NEWS : You cannot do professional networking here as thats again your growth, be it personal/career. FB would ask you to pay but still sell your data.

GOOD NEWS : lets you to create a professional section and asks your permission to inform you about career oppurtunities for you. Also you can search for jobs on the job search engine, grow your career by chosing whats apt for you. Also companies who check your profile will get the chance to rate you according to the CARDS that you hold, Coins that you have earned, Ranks that you have acquired, Reviews you have received, testimonials given to you by friends, colleagues or your previous companies. Thus your opportunities for a better job, packages, perks etc will only increase. Uniwebz would support you throughout your growth beacuse Uniwebz believe in growing with you. PLUS uniwebz dont sell your data as uniwebz have different portals for different activities. You can upload your CV FREE on Jobs Search Engine Portal of Uniwebz- UniJobs, if you want to grow further and that too its USER's sole decision.

10. Multiple Word Profile Name

BAD NEWS : FB does not allow this. As you might try to Promote what you want free as it will be pulled up on Google and will result in free pomotion and SEO.

GOOD NEWS: Uniwebz lets you create multiple word profile name thus resulting in FREE PROMOTIONS and SEO.

11. Email ID given by FB

BAD NEWS : FB gives you an email id which you can see on account settings. Its useless. You cant send or receive  mails. About 75% of FB users are not even aware that there is an email id associated with their FB which is useless

GOOD NEWS : When you create an ID with uniwebz you automatically get an emailing system with your email ID. Eg : You can access it on UniMail - The mailing portal of uniwebz without navigating to a new window.. in the same window allowing you to send/ receive e-mails, draft them, save them, send pics, do anything that you do on any email system. This will help you to create a professional networking/business networking etc as your email id is associated with your social networking ID on uniwebz.


Yes, with one USER ID and PASSWORD you can login to any portal on Uniwebz ie,

UniHub (Social/Professional/ Business Networking)
UniMail (Email system with Email Id associated with your UniHub ID)
UniBlog (To Blog),
UniJobs (Job Search Engine)
UniBag (Shopping, Buy/Sell)
UniDesk (Classifieds)
UniTunes (Music, Online 24 HRS Radio)
UniTV (Online Live TV)
UniChat (Chat Room)
UniCation (Educational Corner)
UniFun (Games)
UniTrip (Book Tickets/ Plan Vacations, Packages)


You Just Need To LOGIN ONCE and then use all the portals without re-entering your LOGIN Details every time. You will not be navigated to a new window every time, instead you can chose the portal you want to go to by just clicking on the link associated to the portal and it will open up on the same window without opening new windows every time and asking you to re-enter your LOGIN Credentials. Once you LOGIN, you get all the liberty to tour and use all the portals (UNIVERSAL LOGIN CONCEPT ) - all ABSOLUTELY FREE


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